Friday, May 20, 2011

Open Crack Use by an Alliance Customer...

Again, less than 1/2 block from Alliance (Magnolia and 34th) this customer openly smokes his crack pipe right on the streets...literally.

Where are the rumoured Alliance security guards patroling our neighborhood? Where is Jay? This absentee business owner thing isn't working for our community.

Customer Urinating on Church Property...

This Alliance customer is less than 1/2 a block away from Alliance. However, he can't wait (or doesn't care to wait) until he gets to Alliance. It is frightening to realize how often this happens. Not just urination but even defecation. Alliance's security patrols are ineffective to stop this activity...and, as usual, no where in sight.

Alliance Customer Stealing...Alliance Staff Laughs...

A neighbor called Alliance about this customer stealing from her recycling bin. No security guards were sent and the staff member over the phone basically laughed at her. Disrespect for our homes and our quality of life comes not from just Alliance's customers but Alliance itself. The profit Alliance makes from this free army of scavenger/employees trumps any kind of neighborhood concern.

Alliance Customer Double-Parking...

Alliance claims that they don't let their customer's double-park. Well, they also claim a lot of things. The truth is that Alliance is a bad neighbor...and has been for years...with no sign of desire to change it's ways.

More Carts and Bins Abandoned...

Alliance has a poor record of not acknowledging that their customers routinely dump their shopping carts and bins all around the neighborhood and in front of our homes. I'm sure Jay (the owner) wouldn't appreciate this in front of his home. Notice Alliance Metals in the background in both of these photos. Why aren't they clean this up?

Alliance Truck Double-Parking and Blocking Traffic on 34th Street...

It's not just Alliance's customer blocking our streets. Even Alliance's own trucks blocking our streets and force drivers to drive against traffic.

Their trucks also impact our community negatively in that their space is too small and every morning they drive their many dirty and smelly trucks out of their facilities and park them all day on our streets. Sometimes they will even work on their trucks (which is illegal...spill oil and other fluids). Alliance needs to find a bigger and more appropriate place to conduct it's operations. Home Depot and Pak'n'Sav are should Alliance.

A Poetic Protest...

These abandoned bins have been here for days. A resident walks by and poetically protests by spray painting..."oh-geez". The bins will continue to be there for many more days. And other dumpers will contribute additional garbage. This is the "Broken Window" theory...where a neighorhood that looks neglected degenerates over time as others think this is true and contribute their own harm, further perpetuating a decline.

Where Does All the Trash on the Ground Come From?...

Everyday I'm picking up trash left on my property. Where does it come from? Well, judging by the Alliance receipts dumped along with the rest of the trash, it comes from Alliance's customers.

Alliance is "good" at cleaning up around their facilites but what about our homes? Another cost of doing business dumped on the residents around Alliance. We need a better neighbor than that.

Police Again...Going Through an Alliance Customer's Shopping Cart...

This is only a block away from Alliance (at 32nd and Magnolia). This is a common occurance as Alliance attracts a certain element...some who are just a nusiance...and some who are dangerous.

Alliance Customer Doing Drugs with Her Dealer...

Driving on Union Street (between Clawson Lofts and Magnolia Row) a block from Alliance I see something suspicious.

This is an area that Alliance claims to "patrol".

What's all the huddling behind the tree all about?

Looks like someone is spending their recycling money.

She sees me and heads back towards Alliance.

The dealer also heads back to Alliance and minutes later I see her just hang out...perhaps waiting for her next customer.

Alliance is a known refuge for drug users and their dealers. These people feel safe around Alliance. They know Alliance won't call the police or stop accepting their recycling. Alliance will protect them and their illegal activities. This is what Alliance brings to our community.

Lady Peeing in the Bushes...

Driving by I see an unattended shopping cart. Sometimes these carts are abandoned. Sometimes the owner is near by using someone's home as a restroom. That's the case here. I wait for the lady to finish her business, collect and turn around "her" cart. A neighborhood kid walks by oblivious to what's going on...or is he? Alliances' restrooms are only a block away.

Target Moves In...and it Doesn't Take Long for Alliance Customers to Steal their Shopping Carts, too...

Of course, Alliance also makes use of these stolen shopping carts...loaning them out to their customers who then transfer bottles and cans from stolen recycling bins...then these bins are left on our attract other dumping.

Park Across Alliance Becomes Dumping Ground for Alliance Customers...

Just Another Typical Afternoon: Two Customers Busted in Front of Alliance Metals...

Just another typical afternoon around Alliance Metals. Two customers busted for drug use. Alliance continues to fund drug deals with our stolen recycling. It's a terrible drain on our scarce police resources. And a terrible drain our our neighborhood morale. After years and years of no progress (nor action) on Alliance's part to deal with their misbehaving clients it might be time to end Alliance's walk-up business. In reality, it's serving no one...except for Alliance's bank account.

This corner, 34th and Magnolia, is just one of many known drug hotspots (known by Alliance)...yet, where are Alliance's security guards?