Thursday, September 8, 2011

(Warning: Graphic Photo) Alliance Customer Takes a Shit on Haven Street...

A Dogtown resident notices on his way to work an Alliance customer digging around the garbage on Haven Street (just across) from Alliance. The customer was swatting as he was picking around. Then the resident notices that the gentleman was actually taking a shit and looking for something to wipe his butt. The resident was only able to pull over and take a photo after the Alliance customer was done. Going back later the resident was able to take these close-up shots. Unless someone walking a large dog used a discarded McDonalds bag to wipe his dog's butt it's pretty obvious that this disgusting mess was indeed left by a human being, an Alliance customer to be specific. This is a more common occurance than one might think.

Alliance Metals is just across from the City Slicker Farms in the last photo. Who knows, maybe City Slickers can fertilize their crops with human feces instead of chicken poop.

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