Saturday, December 4, 2010

How Much Money Does Alliance Make from Its Walk-Up Business...

How about $405,600 to $1,341,600 a year?

Let's start with the two receipts from individual customers, shown in the other post for $13 and $43. If you assume that these amounts are redeemed 6 days a week (Alliance is open 6 days a week) then the annual income for these individual would be $4,056 to $13,416.

Now Alliance Customers walk past my house at least once every 15 minutes...or 4x an hour or...32x an 8-hr day. From that, it's easy to image that Alliance receives at least 100 customers a day (and that a very, very conservative number).

So, if we multiply the number of daily customers by the average daily pay out and by the number of weeks in a year we get $405,600 to $1,341,600 that is paid out to Alliance Customers. Now, I don't know of a business that would let it's employees make more than it does so it's easy to image that Jay makes (at least) what they make.

And this income does not include the many cars and large pickup trucks that line up at Alliance daily. It's easy to believe that Alliance makes over $10,000,000/yr. Recent evidence has even suggested that that figure is now closer to $20,000,000/yr.

And what does our community get in return? Open consumption of drugs and alcohol. Public urination and defecation. Loitering. Shopping carts, recycling bins and other trash dumped on our streets. The list goes on...

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